Special Achievements
Sue Boyd was the first woman president of a students association in Australia (Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia 1969). She spent 34 years in the Australian Foreign Service and speaks 7 languages, having served as Australian high commissioner, ambassador or consul-general in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Fiji, Tuvalu and Naura, as well as serving in earlier diplomatic missions in Portugal, East Germany and Australian Mission to the United Nations in New York. Sue returned to Australia in 2003 and, since her return, has been President of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, has served on the Senate of UWA since 2003 and is now a Senior Executive Business Coach and a Director of Volunteering WA.
Image - Sue Boyd
Image courtesy of Sue Boyd, NPWHF collection
Audio - Who are you? Sue Boyd
ABC Radio Perth, available at www.abc.net.au/local/audio/2013/03/14/3715588.htm
ABC Radio Perth
Link - Sue Boyd Interview, 10 July 2014, 6 July 2014 and 30 July 2014
University of Western Australia
Link - Dr Susan Boyd
Chief Executive Women