Old Gaol


Old Gaol

Explore the for­mer men’s and wom­en’s cell blocks and the sto­ries they hold through inter­ac­tive immer­sive expe­ri­ences.

These walls can talk! 

We research and pro­mote the his­to­ry of the NT Her­itage-list­ed Gaol as an impor­tant part of Aus­tralian his­to­ry with sen­si­tive sto­ry­telling and bal­anced per­spec­tives from those who lived and worked here from 1938 — 1996. 

The Old Gaol Rela­tion­ships exhi­bi­tion spans the two build­ings in wom­en’s and men’s cell blocks and cov­ers the peri­od from 1938 — 1996 when the gaol was in oper­a­tion, and the fol­low­ing decade which saw suc­cess­ful local agi­ta­tion for sav­ing the site from demolition.

The exhi­bi­tion is an attempt to human­ize the his­to­ry of the Old Alice Springs Gaol through audio/​visual installations. 

Each pro­vides a sense of rela­tion­ships, encour­ag­ing vis­i­tors to relate to peo­ple despite dif­fer­ences in place, time and social acceptance. 

The sto­ry of how the gaol was saved from demo­li­tion is a remark­able exam­ple of grass­roots activism sav­ing our built her­itage from destruction.

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