Support Us

Support Us

Make a gift to keep wom­en’s his­to­ry alive.


The Wom­en’s Muse­um of Aus­tralia is a not-for-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion which oper­ates on the basis of vis­i­tor entries, shop sales, mem­ber­ship fees, dona­tions and gov­ern­ment funding.


Dona­tions are always great­ly appre­ci­at­ed and val­ued, and are vital to our abil­i­ty to share the sto­ries of extra­or­di­nary Aus­tralian women. Those of $2 or more are ful­ly tax-deductible. You can donate via the Pay­pal link below, over the phone (08 8952 9006), or by send­ing a cheque to Wom­en’s Muse­um of Aus­tralia, PO Box, 9193, Alice Springs, 0871. 

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Thank you for your support!


We appre­ci­ate offers of dona­tions, from paint­ings, books, sculp­tures, man­u­scripts and per­son­al papers to jew­ellery and ceram­ics.

If you make a dona­tion, you can be proud that your gift is help­ing devel­op Aus­trali­a’s pub­lic cul­tur­al col­lec­tions. You are also help­ing to pre­serve Aus­trali­a’s cul­tur­al her­itage for the ben­e­fit of present and future gen­er­a­tions. All pro­posed gifts will need to approved by the Wom­en’s Muse­um of Aus­tralia Acqui­si­tion Com­mit­tee. Please con­tact the Cura­tor or Busi­ness Man­ag­er for more information.

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