Women at the Heart


Women at the Heart

Learn about the women inno­va­tors and influ­encers who shaped the out­back. How did they live? What did they do? How did they get here? Who were they?


This is an exhi­bi­tion about of women with heart, women who embrace courage, endurance, resilience and resource­ful­ness, com­pan­ion­ship and compassion. 

Here you can explore sto­ries of women from Cen­tral Aus­tralia and dis­cov­er their friend­ships, joys and hard­ships they endured.

Life in Cen­tral Aus­tralia can be a tough, iso­lat­ed exis­tence. For many women, con­fined by gen­der roles of their era, the chal­lenges were enormous. 

Bring­ing up chil­dren, try­ing to cook nutri­tious meals, and run­ning house­holds thou­sands of kilo­me­tres from fam­i­ly and friends meant these women had to make the most of what was avail­able to them. 

These are sto­ries of resource­ful, tena­cious and resilient women pio­neers who left their mark. 

Find out:
Who were they? Why did they come? How did they get here? How did they survive?


A selec­tion of these pio­neer­ing wom­en’s are told in an online audio exhi­bi­tion, col­lab­o­ra­tion between the muse­um and 783 ABC. 

You can lis­ten to sto­ries about:

  • Mol­ly Clark, pas­toral­ist, tourism pio­neer and FOunder and Patron of the Nation­al Pio­neeer Wom­en’s Hall of Fame​.as told by her grand­daugh­ter Mee­gan Sul­li­van in con­ver­sa­tion with Dian­na Newham (muse­um cura­tor) and Alice Moldovan (783 ABC)
  • Tilly Johannsen, ear­ly out­back set­tler in a con­ver­sa­tion between Dian­na Newham and Alice Moldovan
  • Tel­l­ka Williams, in con­ver­sa­tion with Alice Moldovan (Part One and Part Two)
  • Marge Har­ris, as told by her son Roger Har­ris in con­ver­sa­tion with Dian­na Newham and Alice Moldovan (Part One and Part Two)
  • Bertha Strehlow, in a con­ver­sa­tion with local writer Leni Shilton (Parts OneTwoThree and Four).
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