Leave a Bequest

Leave a Bequest

By leav­ing a bequest in your will, you will help us to plan long-term and share the sto­ries and achieve­ments of even more Aus­tralian women.

As a non-prof­it region­al muse­um, we rely on the sup­port of the com­mu­ni­ty to oper­ate, and cel­e­brate the sto­ries of extra­or­di­nary Aus­tralian women. As one of only two wom­en’s muse­ums in Aus­tralia, it is vital that wom­en’s voic­es are heard and their sto­ries told through our muse­um to inspire future gen­er­a­tions of girls and women, and show them what they can achieve in their own life. 

Leav­ing a gift in your will is a way to pro­vide long-term sup­port to the impor­tant work of the Wom­en’s Muse­um of Aus­tralia. There are dif­fer­ent options to do this, includ­ing leav­ing a per­cent­age of your estate, a sum of mon­ey, or oth­er assets in your will. 

If you are inter­est­ed in leav­ing a bequest to the Wom­en’s Muse­um of Aus­tralia, please con­tact us to dis­cuss word­ing and options. 

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