Special Achievements
In 1968, Marlene Brown became the first female alderman elected to the Town Management Board of Alice Springs (predecessor of Town Council) and served a second term with the board before standing as a candidate in the elections for the first Alice Springs Town Council in June 1971. She was the only woman elected to the first Alice Springs Town Council (she polled the highest number of aldermanic votes). Marlene was also the first woman alderman in Australia to take part in the Annual Conference of Local Government Associations in Perth 1971.
Additional Information
Marlene contracted polio on leaving school and, after her recovery, went on to train as a nurse. In 1959, she and her husband moved to Alice Springs and Marlene became active in community affairs.
Image - Marlene Brown
Image courtesy of Marlene Brown, NPWHF collection
Image - Marlene Brown's how-to-vote card for re-election to the Alice Springs Town Management Board
Courtesy of Marlene Brown, NPWHF collection
Image - Marlene Brown's how-to-vote card for election to the Alice Springs Town Council
Courtesy of Marlene Brown, NPWHF collection