B – HerStory Gallery



24 November 1940 — 20 May 2015

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Special Achievements

Lexia Bryant was the first woman President of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (1999).  She was also the Chair of the Women in Rural Practice group which developed the policy on women as rural doctors for the College’s foundation documents (1996-7).  This led to national and international presentations to world rural doctor conferences in Durban, Dublin, Kuching and Calgary, many focussed on identifying what women needed in order to work in rural practice.  This was a novel idea in most countries at that time.

Lexia was a key contributor to the Calgary Commitment to Female Rural Family Physicians in 2000 and convened the Scientific Committee of the 5th World Rural Health conference in Melbourne in 2002.

Additional Information

Lexia was granted the Vida Goldstein award from the Women's Electoral Lobby for her contribution to the professions in 2003.  In 2004, Lexia Bryant was awarded a Medal in the Order of Australia for service to medicine, particularly through support for women in rural and remote practice.


Image - Lexia Bryant

Image supplied by Lexia Bryant, NPWHF collection

Link - Doctor one of the first on the spot at the Black Saturday bushfires

Sydney Morning Herald, 8 June 2015

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