C – HerStory Gallery

Additional Information

Special Achievements

2000 - Kelly walked with camels (and with Mark Swindells for part of the journey) from Western Australia's most westerly point to New South Wales most easterly point.


Image - Kelly Cole and her canine companion "Rastaman"

Photo courtesy of Philip Gee, taken from "Australian Camel News" Winter/Spring 2000 Vol. 5 No. 2/3, page 14.

Image - Kelly Cole's wagon constructed for "Southern Crossing"

Photo courtesy of Philip Gee, taken from "Australian Camel News" Winter/Spring 2000 Vol. 5 No. 2/3, page 15.

Document - "Kelly Cole's trans-Australia camel odyssey: 'Expedition 2000' and 'Southern Crossing'"

Article courtesy of Philip Gee, "Australian Camel News" Winter/Spring 2000 Vol. 5 No. 2/3, pages 14 and 15.

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