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Mary Jean

16 August 1865 — 3 December 1962

AKA: Mary Jean Gilmore, née Cameron, Dame Mary Jean Cameron, Em Jaycey, Sister Jaycey, Rudione Calvert

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Additional Information

Special Achievements

  • The first woman executive/member of the Australian Workers’ Union.
  • 1928 - Founder of the Fellowship of Australian Writers.
  • 1937 - Made Dame of the British Empire for her contribution to Australian life and letters.
  • 2001 – Inducted into the Victorian Honour Roll of Women.
  • Her picture is on the Australian $10 note.

Additional Information

  • 1886 - She joined Australians who set up their own state of equality in Paraguay.
  • 1908 - She began and ran for 25 years a Woman’s Page in the Labour paper Australian Worker/The Worker.
  • Author of three volumes of prose and nine volumes of verse.  The Worker Cook Book, first published in 1914 was in the tenth edition in 1919.



  • Camilleri, Jenny. (2002).  Dame Mary Jean Gilmore.  Some Outstanding Women of Broken Hill & District (75-76).  Jenny Camilleri.
  • References
  • Dunn, Beverley.  (1984, Winter).  Mary Gilmore – a great Australian.  This Australia, 2.
  • Dame of destiny.  newspaper unknown.  date unknown:page unknown.

Link - Gilmore, Mary Jean (1865 - 1962)

The Australian Women's Register

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Image - Mary Gilmore

Australian writer and journalist Mary Gilmore, 1916

Wikimedia Commons: File:Mary Gilmore 1916.jpg

Image - Mary Gilmore

Australian writer and journalist Mary Gilmore, 1912

Wikimedia Commons: File:Mary Gilmore 1912.jpg

Image - Mary Gilmore

Mary Gilmore, 1948

Wikimedia Commons: File:Dame Mary Gilmore.jpg

Image - Dame Mary Gilmore

Dame Mary Jane Gilmore, 1927. Poet, author and journalist, Mary Jane Cameron was born at Cottawalla, Goulburn, NSW on 16 August 1865. She attended Wagga Wagga, New South Wales school and became a pupil-teacher. The first women member of the Australian Workers' Union, she joined the New Australia venture in Paraguay in 1895 and married William Gilmore in 1897. She died on 3 December 1962 and was given a State funeral by the New South Wales and Australian governments. (Description supplied with photograph).

Wikimedia Commons: File:StateLibQld 1 100448.jpg

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