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AKA:  née Batchelor 

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Additional Information

Special Achievements

Enid Harland has been a tireless worker for over twenty years, working with  families of prisoners in Alice Springs and helping prisoners  stay connected to their families.  She recognises it is important to maintain a sense of family for the sake of both the prisoner and other family members. 

Enid Harland first settled in Alice Springs in 1989.  A few years later she became involved in the Prison Fellowship.  One of the things the Alice Springs Prison Fellowship group does that is unique is run a bus from the town of Alice Springs to the gaol, which is approximately 25 kilomentres south of the town's centre.  The bus is a free service for families of prisoners to go to the gaol for visiting times on weekends.  

Each Christmas, Enid organises presents from men and women serving time at the Alice Springs Correctional Centre for their children.   She arranges special family visits when necessary, also.

Enid has spent over twenty years of her retirement working for the Prison Fellowship and often goes above and beyond what is strictly necessary.


Image - Enid Harland

Image courtesy of Enid Harland

Audio - Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives: First in their Field -- Enid Harland

This audio profile of Enid Harland was produced in 2015 by 8CCC 102.1FM community radio station and the National Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame. To hear more of the Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives: First in their Field series, please go to http://8ccc.com.au/category/ordinary-women-extraordinary-lives/.

Audio Link

Link - The lady who provides the link to outside

Alice Springs News Online, September 7 2016

View link

Link - Rotary women to the fore, honour for prison volunteer

Alice Springs News Online, July 17 2013

View link 

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