L – HerStory Gallery


Johanna Maria Luise

AKA: née Kuffner, Luise 

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Johanna Maria Luise Liebler came to Hermannsburg more than thirty years after Dorothee and Wilhelmine.  She arrived on 1 May 1910 with her husband who was a newly graduated missionary.  They were taking the place of the Strehlows who had returned to Germany for health reasons.

Mrs Liebler's ill health forced them to return to Germany on 24 November 1913.


Link - Oskar Liebler, and his wife sitting on a camel, surrounded by Aboriginal children at Hermannsburg Mission, MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory, 1911


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Image - Johanna Liebler sitting on a camel

Oskar Liebler, and his wife sitting on a camel, surrounded by Aboriginal children at Hermannsburg Mission, MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory, 1911. Creator: Hill, Gerald (Gerald F.), 1880-1954. Published: 1911. Libraries Australia ID: 52466175

National Library of Australia

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